Do my puns even make sense anymore? To explain; I got me some good vintage-y loot on the weekend. Any Saturday morning gets me excited really (kind of my unofficial 'me time') for I usually make myself scarce upstairs after breakfast with my latte in hand to get some crafting done until lunchtime. But once in a blue moon I like to trip out to town by myself and just do whatever. This weekend whatever was found at the second hand store. Check out my loot!
I went in with the intention to find as many colorful, vintage glass vases as possible because, you know, if you get lots of vases your garden will grow lots of flowers to put into them. Natural law of abundance, baby. Then I found those pretty pyrex bowls up there in three different sizes because, well, you can't have too many of those too.
A lazy Susan for a lazy Kathy (whoops, think I used that one here before)! Edie admits this is her favorite of all the scores. I never could have guessed with her going on and on for half a day about all the different treats we could cram in there. Kind of like the shrimp scene in Forest Gump. Funny how the others think she's so quiet - she's actually the chatty Kathy around here. So cute I could just spin her around the Lazy Susan, then dip her into some hummus and then the goji berry compartment and eat her.
And, ooooo, la, la. I don't know if I'm getting over excited over nothing but I think these plates, still in their too cute to be real box set, are all the way from Paris.Or else they might just sell these at Walmart. Don't tell me if they do, please. Have I ever told you about our trip to Paris? Love Paris. Although at the time we were super cranky and whiney because everything went on strike the minute we landed there. But that's a whole other blog post. But, mon dieu! Love Saturday mornings. Je t'aime le matins de Samedi! Again, I apologize for any weak puns and butchering of romantic languages. Perhaps Catherine could help me out with the latter? Au reviour for now!