Is it obvious by the stretchy attempt at a punny post title I'm suffering from a head cold? The whole family's afflicted but if you had to have a cold this is the one to get. Feels like a cleanse in a way and even though we're sick enough to stay inside, and not be too industrious lest we over exert ourselves, the energy levels are just right for lots of what we like to call cuddle puddles on the couch and quiet activities that have that apres ski like vibe I love like board games, knitting and lazy day crafts;
Like setting up the nature table!
Typically we take down the advent garden and Nativity scene on January 6, day of Epiphany, which we did and then I would set up the winter nature table for the kids to wake up to. This year, Edie was really excited about participating and trying her hand at needle felting. So, even though I'm uptight about her playing with pokey, tetanus-laden objects, I obliged and, miraculously, she didn't hurt herself and the whole experience was a magical, collaborative affair. Together we basked in the periodic sun bursts that have been far and few in between these days, laughed at our duck/snowman hybrids and drank loads of licorice tea to keep our sore throats at bay.
I would love to see your nature table by the way. Or let me know what's lurking on yours for we need some inspiration to add some more oomph to it over the next couple of months. Leave a link to any pictures you may have floating in the blogospheres in the comments below if you feel so compelled and enjoy the video tour while I cleanse out my nose for the 100th time this morning!