Parenting can take on many, glorious forms of crazed behaviours. A big part of what makes these the peak cute years is seeing the kids act out how they're going to be passing on all the sweet, some of the not so sweet, but all of it coming from a place of love, parenting styles. The cast members taking on the role of my future grandchildren include the dolls I made for the kids over the years (complete with rose quartz hearts):
Doll play happens here in spurts and bouts. Until it's their time to shine in their starring roles they can be found kicking back in their king sized cradle for a few weeks, eating bon bons of course acting a little on the diva size (even Mickey). But then they bust out, usually close to the full moon I've been noticing, sighted once again being lovingly cargo-ed around the house in slings built out of silks and the occasional bungee cord. This time when the wool stuffed crew came out to play, Edie and Kale fashioned a car out of the ottoman and piles of pillows and safely secured their stuffy spawn into their car seats.
In Simplicity Parenting, Kim Payne writes about differnt parenting styles that one may recognize in oneself from time to time. It's a fun part of the workshops I lead bringing awareness to participants of what styles may be lurking from within. Here's my host of characters all squished in me:
The Helicopter: Wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka
The Sportscaster: You're taking a teeny bite of your sausage and you're chewing it so good! Chew, chew, chew. Swallowing. Careful, careful. Yay! You swallowed your sausage! (*note there is a sprinkle of The Cheerleader thrown in there for good measure)
The Clown: Who's a funny mommy? Squeeze Mama's red detachable nose. It honks! Yes! (*note the splash of The Sportscaster for dramatic effect)
The Body Guard: Coming out of the public washroom after washing our hands before we eat ~ Do not touch anything! (they look like little doctors enroute to surgery ~ adorable!)
The Buddy-buddy: Let's, like, totally wear matching outfits to the restaurant tonight. It will be, like, so cute!
The Flip-flop: Absoltely you are not having a snack right now; supper's ready in half an hour. That's why you have to eat more lunch. Nope, no way Jose. Nice try. Mama said no. (30 seconds later) Who wants cheese and craaaaackers!? (sang whilst pouring myself a glass of wine)
Lavender was fussing so Edie decided she should crawl back and be there with the kids for the rest of the trip (is it just me or do you hear a far off 'whacka whacka'?). So much fun to imagine them loving real life kids of their own one day and to guess which bits of Craig and my various styles they're going to carry on or pick up all on their own.
One of the best indicators has been happening often these days as they have been visiting more with one of their favorite real life friends. And going by that observation (The Detective), the future world of parenting is in good, loving hands. So... what's your style(s) of parenting that crop up from time to time?