We couldn't have hoped for a sweeter pup than little Mr Angel but I have to admit we are in the midst of an adjustment period. People aren't joking when they say it's like having a newborn; you know with all the getting up in the middle of the night and having to be aware of his whereabouts at all times.
This too shall pass but until then I'm applying my handy dandy Simplicity Parenting principles and utilizing too the Kaizen Muse creativity coaching tools I'm honing through my coaching certification process. Until then, I'm building much character and we're all falling in love fast with a little pudgy puppy and the sweet role he's slipping into in our family.
To help you dive deeper into the Simplicity Parenting realm I'm excited to announce that sign ups for my Simplicity Parenting ecourse are just around the corner!!! Be sure to sign up for my Mama Bliss E-zine today to stay on top of the latest developments of this exciting opportunity to grow your simplifying and parenting love muscles!