![I shirt 6 I shirt 6](https://whiletangerinedreams.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341d093553ef0167647b6095970b-800wi)
Meet Amylynn! One of the first participants of my online sewing class, Backwoods Mama Spring Sew Camp and is now a sweet online buddy of mine. Amylynn lives just outside of Washington DC with her husband and small son, Jack. She blogs over at Farm Girl Studio.
![Me in my smock...](http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5022/5724040080_bdd403def5.jpg)
Hi Amy. Tell me what inspires you to make your own clothes?
I got so tired last year of clothing that I was purchasing fall apart after only a few wears. This inspired me to make clothing that lasted, and I knew that was made from quality craftmanship. Also knowing that my clothing was unique and that I wasn't going to run into someone that had the same shirt design as me was a plus.
I come from a long line of artisans on my paternal side. They made clothing, furniture, quilts, utensils, baskets out of necessity, and grew their own food, raised and butchered their own animals. I think their spirits are guiding my way through this new way of life. I especially think my great-grandmother is smiling up in heaven knowing that I am passing along their sewing/quilting craftmanship.
Ooooo... I love that image; heavenly, smiling, great-grandma :) What Backwoods Mama philosphies do you like to embrace?
The importance of good quality food is very important to us. Knowing where our food comes from, which can be a little difficult city living. We just put in our first garden in our new home. I want to my son Jack to know where our vegtables come from, and they are not grown in the grocery store! We also joined a CSA and can visit the farm and take farms tours and visit the animals!
My Mother has just built a chicken coop. On our last visit we helped her get her new baby chicks in order and explained to Jack that our hard boiled eggs come from chickens. This summer we also to plan to can again. This time I plan to can with my brother who lives closer to us. Knowing what is in our foods is a good feeling!
I also want my son to know that clothing can be made and not bought and plan to teach him to sew when he is old enough. Right now he currently sits on my lap when he is super still and I show him how his pants are made.
![Me and My Buddy 5 Me and My Buddy 5](https://whiletangerinedreams.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341d093553ef0167647b90cb970b-800wi)
So, how did you find the ecourse? Be honest ~ I promise I won't cry even though I'm super sleep deprived from house training a super cute puppy these days!
The course was amazing! Since I am a stay at home Momma and my husband travels alot I cannot get out as much and take classes. This class was like I was right there attending the class in person. I couldn't wait for my son to take his nap so I could get to work on the next project and check out the instructional video.
I considered myself a beginner with sewing machines, and didn't know too much on certain skills such as hems,and ruffels. Heck, I never made a pocket before or even sewed with knits! This class really made me more confident in sewing and made me want to sew more clothing!
![Best Friends Best Friends](https://whiletangerinedreams.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341d093553ef01630386b771970d-800wi)
Tell me Amy, what does your perfect Backwoods Mama day look like?
Being a stay at home Momma, I don't get too much time to myself. So this would be my day to reconnect with my spirit!
I would bring out my trusty sewing machine. I would relocate it to my kitchen table. I love my downstairs studio area but I miss being able to open up windows and listen to the birds outside and feel the soft spring breezes filter through our house. I would sew some sort of clothing for myself, not a difficult pattern so I can let in some creative energy.
Then I would go out to my garden in our backyard, and do what needs to be done for the day. Did I mention I love to garden in my pajamas? I love wearing my flannel pajama pants with little birds on it. They are one of my favorite PJ bottom's from an Amy Butler pattern. One of my New Year's resolutions was to wear my Pajama's more!
After my gardening duties I would take a nice hot bath with lavendar oil and bath salts. I would bring with me some nice reading material. Like the new Taproot Magazine, Dwell magazine or the Simplicity Parenting book.
A nice nap would be in order with no distractions. Just a nice restful nap! Aahhh, that sounds so good.
Then I would go downstairs and watch a movie that I have been wanting to see on Netflix or go downtairs to my basement studio and paint. I love painting on wood and mixing papers, and pencils to my work.
For dinner I would light up some bee's wax candles and eat a fresh garden salad before the boys come home from their adventurous day!
Thank you Amylynn! You can have a cozy pajama pants wearing good time too by signing up for my
Backwoods Mama Spring Ecourse here . And until
end of day April 2nd I'll mail new sign ups the bonus of a hard copy of all the pattern pieces! Wohoo ~ paper!