I'm excited to do a little series here profiling some of the sweet mamas that I've had the pleasure to meet through my sewing ecourse Backwoods Mama Spring Sew Camp. The best part of putting together this ecourse was establishing some special friendships with so many like-minded mamas.
The first profile we have here is of Nikki who happens to be one of those sweet bonus buddies. And speaking of bonus, hang on to the end of the interview to catch in on special offer to those who sign up for Spring Sew Camp before end of day April 2nd!
Nikki is a stay at home mama to two (Kelwyn 4 and Adeline 2) little ones, and wife to a loving and supportive husband. She blogs over at Wild Violets. She loves to bake, make herbal potions, knit, sew, quilt and do as much fiber spinning as she can. She also just welcomed a beautiful angora bunny, Violet Star, to her home for a sweet pet and, of course, fiber!
Hey there, lovely Nikki. What was your favourite project from Spring Sew Camp?
My favorite project from the Spring Sew Camp was the smock. I used a robin's egg blue linen fabric, lovely for the all the life returning around us this time of year. It is so comfy, functional and cute. I spend most of my days with my little ones outside playing, gardening, exploring and getting dirty. The big pockets are always handy as there seems to always be something my 2 need or want me to hold one of their treasures.
Cute! What can we find in your smock pockets these days?
Flowers, leaves, rocks, sticks, seed packets, tissues and angora rabbit treats.
Those sound like some happy pockets! Tell me about your world. Like, how handmade are your surroundings?
I have bits of handmade all over my home. It fills me with love and joy to be surrounded by items others have made with their hands and hearts. Our couch has handmade pillows, quilts and crocheted afghans to bring comfort and warmth. My daughter's bed has a quilt made by her great Grandmother and a pink crocheted afghan given to me as a little girl from my Grandmother. My walls have beautiful prints from a dear friends art work. Handmade table linens and tea towels from my grandmothers, pottery in the kitchen, needle felted and knitted toy animals for my little ones, and more quilts than I could ever dream of to keep me warm as I knit through the winter.
Quilts! That is the new frontier I want to start dabbling in next. Would you mind telling our beautiful readers out there about your experience with Sew Camp itself?
The format of the sewing course was perfect for me. I was able to sew at night when the lilttle ones were asleep, from my computer and in my pajamas (hot chocolate or a glass of wine in hand too:)). I could watch your video tutorials as much as I needed, stop if something came up and take a day off if something came up. If I had a question about fabric or my sewing project you quickly responded to get me back on path. The patterns were easy to follow, fit nicely and turned out great!
Thank you Nikki! If that doesn't get sewing mamas to sign up then I don't know what will! Wait a minute, I think I just thought of something...
With purchase of Backwoods Mama Spring Sew Camp before I put Daisy to bed on April 2nd, participants will recieve, in the mail, a hardcopy of all the pattern pieces for all the Spring projects (hand drawn by moi) so you can bypass the whole printing out and taping together of patterns step and a love note scrawled onto a spring flavoured watercolor (hand or foot painted then handwritten by moi as well)! Lucky ladies!
Please ensure that your paypal address is the one you want the goods sent to, and if you want to be sure please email me your current mailing address.
Happy smock, bloomers, top and dress making!
Be sure to sign up for the weekly Mama Bliss E-zine to stay on top of all the news, specials and ways to nab more bits of bliss througout your busy mama-ing day. With sign up you also get my ebook Handmade Time: How to Squeeze in a Little More Crafting Everyday. Yay, more lucky ladies!