Edited to add: I forgot to mention I have a guest post over at Homespun Waldorf today! I'm participating in the Winter Carnival this month. There will be much seasonal radiance going over there as many Waldorf-inspired mamas share their winter celebrations and insights over the month of February.
Also, I'm going to announce the winner of the ebook copy tomorrow morning instead of today. I just want to make sure my newsletter subscribers are in on the contest entering fun :)
You might notice a split second at the end of the video where you can faintly hear the little wheels in my head turning. I remember now the second my mama anetdote I wanted to share:
The first time my mom met Edie was when she was a month old - right at the prime of her nighttime fusiness. Craig and I were like: "so.... what are you suppose to do when this happens?"
My mom grabbed Edie and started walking around with her and lo and behold, Edie settled impressively quick. "Kahhhh-tee (imagine me doing my mom impression), babies are like horses. They can smell your fear".
So that kind of nicely ties up the whole cow/puppy/kid/gentle disciplining/fear smelling flavour of the vlog entry for this week. Enjoy!