This is embarassing to report but I’m turning into a slack jaw movie watcher. It’s true we are without tv but Craig and I on occasion like to shimmy up to couch together when the munchkins finally fall asleep (on that note, oh my goodness, have you heard of this book? I had the pleasure of hearing Samual Jackson read from it on the radio one day. Too funny.), turn on Net Flix and feel our brains melt into putty just inches from each other. Very romantic. Unfortunately, this is also my designated knitting time.
You know how they tell you to relax your jaw muscles when you’re in labour because it assists in relaxing other areas of your anatomy that may in turn result in a smoother going birthing process? Same same but different with knitting. My jaw slacks, then my fingers relax to the point of paralysis. Let me just hop on over to my ravelry page for a second here to see exactly how long... oh my gawd! This teeny weeny baby sweater has taken me three months to complete! I hope it still fits the sweet angel it was intended for. Luckily her parents are little people (though not midgets) so hopefully she’ll have a couple of months still to play in this. It is amazing how stretchy hand knits can be. Especially when the Mama is a knitter herself!
Which brings us what this knitter Mama was donning this week. First, the background story: When Edie was about three months old I went into one of my favourite pre-Edie haunts; a clothing store in downtown Calgary where the owner was familiar with my tendency to try many things on, but buy very little (remember, my mom’s a seamstress). So Ms Patience of a Saint Owner was curious why she hasn’t seen me in so long. I explained I had a baby and I was wondering if she had any really long tops that snap at the crouch to keep my kidneys warm over the winter. I promised her I’d buy this time.
She re-framed my question; “You want a giant onesie?” Oh my god, I do! What kind of Mommy monster have I become? So I guess this mildly Freudian type desire has never truly subsided because I caught myself purchasing this Hot Pattern on sale and made this body suit in my now trademark banana yellow.
I’m also sporting Kale's scarf that I knit but he can no longer wear due to his apparent wool allergy (I'm not ready to talk about this yet) and a vintage jacket I picked up at a church fundraiser in town last weekend. It’s awfully soft and fluffy and smells like mothballs. I don’t want to get into the fabric choice but dang it's warm, really, really old and way cuter than my minus forty temperature down parka I’m usually sporting this time of year. And, of course, the jeans I made so long ago. If you zoom on in to the pelvic area you will see I even popped my button recently but haven't had the time to sew a new one on. Thus, it takes just a simple tug on the release cord to drop my pants to prove to you that, yes indeed, this is a onsie. It was pretty cute how Craig, who was acting as my tripod for the shoot, was embarrassed for me. He thought it was so inappropriate. I assured him we’re all ladies here, right?
So speaking of embarrassing myself; I have an idea to celebrate the launch of my new website name: Bliss Beyond Naptime. Many reasons for the change but primarily it was becoming a hassle spelling out my email address over the phone (Wild Tangerine Dreams? No. White Tangerine Dreams? No. What Tangerine Dreams? Never mind!). So for Monday I will don lots of lead free organic makeup, set up the tripod (the non-Craig one) and answer reader questions about me, Daisy, my Simplicity Parenting training, guilty pleasures, anything! So if you’d like, email a question to Kathy at Bliss Beyond Naptime dot com or leave one below in the comments. Simple as onesie, twosie, threesie.