First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends. We're heading straight into Christmas in these parts. Now, I'd like to share the three moments that led me to consider helping spread the word about the beauty of bringing more rhythm and simplicity into the parenting day and an exciting offering to (snow) boot!
A friend of mine called me saying she was talking with her friends about me and wondering how it is I do it. “Do what, exactly?” I asked her. They’ve noticed how structured I am about the day and in that seem to get a lot accomplished. And then she was wondering if I would be keen on giving a talk to an early childhood group that has guest speakers periodically. At first, I have to admit, the paranoid side of me thought maybe she was poking fun at me; “Oh, my god. These guys are the backwoods version of the mean girls.” But then my alter ego kicked in (aka K-Wow) and I said “But of course. I am fabulous and I would love to spread the word on how it’s done.”
The second moment was from coming off the phone with a friend and realizing how every time I talked we talk she was asking advice on how to smooth out the day. Mind you she’s tight with the lovely, non-mean girl from the above moment but now that my attention was drawn to this aspect of our chats it felt good to know I was inspiring and helping her on a very practical level.
And finally, the affirmation I received not too long ago. I was chatting on the phone with my best friend who lives far away and we always like to give each other compliments and if Craig’s around I like to put her on speaker phone after she has a sentence that begins with “I have a compliment for you”. So Craig was right in front of me, I pushed speaker so he can hear how wonderful I am and she said “so and so said that she thought it was pretty amazing how you stick to your guns around your kids’ routine and are selective on what you expose them to. That takes a lot of discipline, you know.” Mind you Craig said “and insanity” to get his two cents in and to be the quiet clown alter ego he likes to throw on at times (aka C-Clown) but I was deeply touched that this aspect of parenting was once again recognized and perhaps even inspiring others.
So this brings me to this offering to you. In the New Year I’m going to be opening a pretty, nifty and sleek coaching page here on my new site; Bliss Beyond Naptime, allowing you to schedule in one hour phone consults with me helping you to make simple changes to bring your parenting closer in alignment to your values and ideals. I can help you in one of many realms; minimizing kid clutter, daily rhythms, screen time, scheduling, and carving out more mama time. Until sometime shortly after the New Year I would love to offer half hour sessions on a donation basis to help me tweak some logistical stuff. Plus I thought this might be a good time to help you out with some of the mounting stress with the coming holiday season (and perhaps even cover that topic in itself) and give you an opportunity to try out my coaching before I begin implementing my more secured rate.
Please email me at Kathy at to make a time for our half hour chat, I’ll email you an adjustable paypal receipt (the suggested price is $50 but you will be able to bring it down to whatever price fits your fancy, or budget, today. I promise I will not take offence even if it’s only five bucks! I’m just happy for the experience and the opportunity to help you to what may be a challenging change in your life). After this I’ll email you a questionaiire that is to be sent back to me before our appointed call. After our chat I’ll send you an email with an actionable step to take and then send you a follow up email after that to see how the changes are coming along.
I look forward to connecting with some of you in this way and help bring more simplicity to your parenting flow. I can’t promise simplicity is simple all the time but it sure brings a lot of peaceful pockets to the day that will help make these years even sweeter ones to look back to. Must run now. C-Clown’s in the house!