I might have to rename the blog The Edie Show for I'm just gushing about her growth spurts this week so much but, ack! ~ a knitting mama's dream just come true; I taught her how to knit last week and she's caught on like wild fire and already has a project list that will put a raveler's queue to shame.
Speaking of fire, there we were, knitting by the wood stove together. Just need Pa to pick up fiddle playing and life will be perfect! Actually a weiner dog napping in a basket, gently roasting beside the fire, will make the scene complete.
I picked up the book the A First Book of Knitting for Children which I'm pretty thankful for for it provided me with a sweet verse to chant while she went though the motion of her first couple of stitches;
Under the fence,
Catch the sheep,
Back we come,
Off we leap.
Which I'm pretty thankful for for it slightly more magical than what I was ready to sing;
Stick the fork in,
Poke your pickle,
Fish it up,
Then spit it out.
Ah, who knows? All I know is she is all over it and is currently working on her first project; a case for her recorder. We are using the yarn we have built from scratch. From the visit to the sheep whose back it came off of, to washing the fleece.
I wrote an article over at rhythme of the home a couple of years ago that outlines the steps we took to get the off white fluff somewhat white again.
And there was a lot of nit picking that took a good long while though wasn't the worst way to spend a glorious warm and balmy Indian Summer afternoon. But that didn't stop Edie from saying, oh, about a hundred times; "If we ever get sheep they're definately going to be wearing sweaters so we don't have to pick out so many gribblies!".
And so we picked, washed, carded, spun and dyed with marigolds from the garden that Edie planted from seed. When I shared this story with Craig he said he felt like he was watching an episode of Portlandia. I laughed so hard after he said that (just like I do everytime he utters something). Have you seen some Portlandia? So funny, totally pokes fun at us mindful, sustainably concious types. Here's a snippet. Why don't you pull out your current knitting project and poke your pickle while you watch it?