Though I wasn't 100 percent on board with this idea I have to say the timing was pretty impecable with Craig taking Edie out climbing for the first time. This picture was taken on Sunday and on Monday we introduced the letter "M" during our main lesson. In the continuing story our letter introducing saga the Prince (aka "P") scaled a mountain, got scared (that's when "EEEEE!"s got introduced) and was awarded his second golden star for overcoming his fear. Thank God for the therapeautic effects of Waldorf schooling (mostly for me after seeing these pics) because, yeah, she got up pretty high. Brave little girl.
And look at who else is a brave little girl: I had the great, great pleasure of hearing Kim John Payne speak in Nelson. The talk was on Friday, I stayed overnight at a dear friend's house and was able to attend the Saturday morning workshop on The Soul of Discipline. If you get the chance to attend one of his lectures I highly recommend it - he's so funny, inspiring and his messages are so mindful and important. The talk touched upon the history and different aspects of popular parenting styles and offered some practical strategies as well as the reasons why we might want to consider cutting out some habits such as the "Good job!"s and presenting constant choices to our children who have yet to develop the decision making bits of their brains.
At the intermission I introduced myself to him and he sweetly asked permission to have me talk a bit about my Simplicity Parenting Leader Training and the workshops I will be offering in the spring. So I said that was cool, because, well, once in a while I put out a vlog so how bad can speaking to a gymnasium full of parents be? Well, after my spiel and midway through answering some questions, my whole face started experiencing some major twitching action. Like Smile! pout. Smile! pout. But really fast. Like I had Tourrette's. My ladies who were there told me they didn't notice, which is sweet, but .... yeah. So I either have to find me some Toastmaster meetings quick or limit myself to only one latte before introducing myself to my mentors! There is, of course, always Botax but that wouldn't be very Backwoodsy of me, would it?