As a gesture of my Deep Love for Craig I strapped on the 'ol climbing harness this weekend. I hope to lube Craig up with enough mocha mud pie to get him retell, via vlog entry, the story of our meeting and how he kinda proposed to me a year later on top of a Spanish mountain after a day of climbing. This is back in the day when we had rock star lifestyles; aka Pre-Edie days.
Speaking of rockstars, here's my hot climbing partner Margo. I gushed about her recent book release here a while back. And yes, I'm wearing my Beach Blanket Bingo swimsuit - we were on our way to the beach for some bingo action. I was trying to figure out a way to somehow attach my fascinator to my helmet just to glam up the local climbing scene some.
We'll wait for mud pie to get into the painful details of the Craig and my hook up story but long story short he was dressed up as a climber at the Halloween party we met at. I, ironically, was totally turned off of climbers after embarassingly trying to impress a gaggle of them in the mid nineties (not all at the same time of course ~ that would not have been lady like). But, because he was so darn cute, and I envisioned my future Craiglettes dancing around his head, I decided to give the sport another chance.
It took me a year to have a climbing day without having a good solid cry halfway up but I perservered and ended up even loving climbing some. But not enough to continue once said Craiglettes arrived. My morning breve provides me with enough palps to keep my heart on its toes thank you very much.
It has been four years since I been up on the wall and it did feel good and empowering. That is until half way up and then I heard Kale squawk. "LOWER!" I yelled down to Margo. I wanted to come back to Earth. I missed my little ones, was questioning the mechanics of rope knots in my abstract random noggin, and imagining stepmoms.
But it sure felt good to be moving upward again and trusting in the stickiness of my climbing shoes and the bionic-like strength of my fingers. This, of course, thanks to milking and knitting. I think Mama's going to stick to those pastimes for now. Have fun Craig! Deep Love you :)