This has been the first week of two weeks of swimming lessons everyday for Miss Edie. But unfortunately the outdoor swimming lessons Gods have not been smiling kindly upon us. It's a chilly summer! And it always seems to be about five degrees cooler at the lake where the lessons happen. We are going to take the day off today and visit with friends instead and hopefully summer kicks in so she can participate without turning purple.
So that little intro ties into my continued reading and in turn epiphanies gleaned from the Simplicity Parenting book I'm re-reading these days. The swimming lessons are kind of cramping our usually laid back morning style - throwing our daily rhythm out for a loop. This is a great exercise for me to get better organize and kind of go with the flow a bit more. When it comes to leaving the homestead I sure get uptight! I don't like hurrying the kids and hearing that Mommy dearest style voice coming up from weird crevices of my throat (Where's your sunhats? Where's your sunhats?!?!). But I'm working on that. The beauty of Mommy yoga.
Luckily we do hold a general rhythm of the week (and one of these days I will be able to type rhythm out correctly on the first go - see? Spell check came up with rectum there.) which, funny enough, is centered mostly around food expectations: Fridays we go out for supper (organic chicken wing night!) and, since we're slowly reintroducing a little bit of wheat and dairy back into the kids' diet, once in while we treat ourselves to pizza. Point is Mama gets a night off from cooking! And Sundays we have our good old good old pancake breakfast.
Funny, I was just taking mental notes on ways to embrace more rythym into our week and the author of this book suggests (along with other Waldorf-trained teachers) to present the family with a weekly menu of foods to help in the planning of meals and bring in an air of comforting predictability and celebration of the days. Something like Monday something pasta, Tuesday casserole, Wednesday veggie stir fry etc. That would, and has when I've practiced this before, help with menu planning very much so. And of course, as soon as I think this Soulemama picked up on my brainwaves and captured my thought in this heartbreakingly beautiful photo that was shared yesterday. Yes, chalkboard menu board ~ perfect! Other must implement sooner than later idea; regularly scheduled bath times. I had this growing up. Sunday night baths. Sunday sounds like a good day to harvest ear mushrooms don't you think? Do you have a weekly routine that the kids or you get pretty darn tootin' excited about?