I felt stretched a little thin this week. And not just because little big guy is busy sucking all the life-giving fat source out of me (who, by the way, turned six months old two days ago!). I experienced a wicked migraine that hit on Tuesday, left me nauseous on Wednesday resulting in a really not-as-wonderful-as-usual Mommy/Wifey until just now (I'm awesome again, Cheech!). That and there were a couple of other post-it notes from the Universe suggesting the idea to par down some projects and online commitments; simplify, simplify, simply simplify (would typing one simplify have been simpler?).
On the way to a doctor's appointment on Tuesday I was listening to an interiew on CBC with a woman who wrote a book on the long-term effects of growing up online. Me being mildly attention challenged I only retained her recommendation to get off the computer and onto something that engages you so much that time seems to hurl by seamlessly leaving you refreshed and at peace. Since drinking my morning latte all day long may be contributing to the problem I can't wisely put that on my list of meditative things to do, so I'm slowly backing away from the computer and backing toward the spinning wheel or sewing machine as part of my Mommy-time morning ritual.
And the Universe also took form of a fiber artist looking for a spinner to provide her with thick and thin singles in particular colourways for an incredibly cute project that involves naked newborns (I'll share more later - it's all legit). I had so much fun spinning these that I'm going to crank out more and set up a new category called Thick and Thins in my shop just for these simple beauties. They'll be a little less expensive than my art yarns just for simplicity's sake!