A couple pieces of explaining to do here. Stink is a joke between me and Edie. Whenever she says sting I say "wha? The bees stink? Gross! What do they stink like?" And we lauuuuuuugh. AND, both my kids are Scorpions. No, no you Battlestar nerds (or am I so two years behind even in my nerdiness now?), not from the planet Scorpion, as in astrological sign. I'm not the most on top of my astroogy mind you, all I know is when Edie was creeping up to her due date I was keeping my legs crossed for a Sag because that's what Craig is and I like what I know. Nice and docile like a sweet milk-giving cow (just kidding, babe. You're all bull.). Living in these neck of the woods, your astrological sign is right up there with your genetic coding. Everyone, and I mean everyone, when I told them that number two was due on Edie's birthday was like, "whoa, a house with two scorpio kids? Yikes". So, I was starting to get nervous.
I have to admit, everyday there's a Scorpio moment with this one. Usually pretty short lived though. Stink then the stink goes away. Slowly. Such as the day of this photo shoot - mind you she still had some cold lingering that she kindly passed on to me. I made her the cutest little ensemble from this same Japanase pattern book, Floofy Girly Girls, or something like that and she tried it on and whoopsie-daisy, the pants are too big. Look out. Big time Scorpio Stink. She hated how they went up all the way to her belly button. She likes her pants fitting low rider style. I was always like that too have to admit. The following day I asked her to please, please, wear the pants just one more time so Mommy can post a picture of how cute the top and pants look together and then you'll never need to look at the monstrous things again. Finally, I caught her in a mild sugar high or something and she agreed to wear them for a couple of pics but the deal is she can take a picture of me right after. Oh, sure, I said - even though I hate getting my picture taken.
So there are the pants in all their ex-sofa slip cover glory. Love the fabric but we no longer have the couch (that was my lucky couch I had from my swinging single twenties. Craig insisted we get rid of it. he's such a Sag!) so turns out they make the perfect slacks fabric. In lieu of ties, I used some leftover neon merino yarn from day three of the Yarn Everday challenge of April felted up to sinch around the ankles. Craig calls them a tripping hazzard (or maybe he was referencing his swinging single twenties).
After the shoot Edie wanted to act as her own stylist so I took some pics of her wearing the ruffle top, from the same pattern book, with the ensemble of her own creation. Yeah, you can see the colour creeping back into those cute Scorpion cheeks! And then she took a picture of Mama. See the relief in my eyes that the stink blew over? I can see clearly now the stink is gone...