First of all, I believe it's safe to say, Happy Chinese New Year! I don't mean to be a boar, but I am. It's my year despite Craig's insistance that it's not because my birthday's in January and so I'm off the pig grid. But, what's with all those Chinese restuarant disposable placemats assuring me my entire life so far that 1971 equals pig which licensed me all these choice ice-breaker jokes such as ... what do you call Kathy taking a shower? Hog wash! nyuk. Surely, they all couldn't legally be so misleading.
Oh, man, I'm being silly tonight. Must be from all the chemicals I was exposed to during my dye course weekend. The above piggy was not knitted by my little pig hooves. It belongs to a friend of mine from the course who brought it because I was blabbing about how I just bought yellow boucle to make knitted duckies for Edie so the last thing I needed was more yellow yarn. Isn't that yarn awful-ly yellow? We were put into groups that had to decide together on a colour for the immersion bit and I joined in after they came to a consensus of yellow. I pouted for a few minutes but when we got to the handpainting part I got over the hay's for horses (not pigs) ordeal pretty quick.
We picked out a piece of art and made colour cards to guide us. I looked on my lap and based my card on my apron. Of course, once I got dabbing I was on fire and Big Bird turned into:
...Big Bob Marley Bird! This is before I steamed it. It looks gorgeous now I must say and I plan to make Craigy some arm warmers. I'll take a picture of it, the roving and silk sheets I also dyed this weekend in the morning. I'm so please with how everything turned out. Now, it is late and my little monkey (who was born in the year of the Monkey - for sure) needs her Sunday night bath.